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Crit Show

This crit show, although unlike all my previous ones I found it incredibly beneficial and gave me a lot to think about and consider for the final grad show

This crit show was extremely beneficial to me for a number of reasons, I was posed many questions which got me thinking about the placement and composition of work, the use of natural objects i.e wood, the purpose of the paintings and what the paintings actually consist of in relation to the sculpture, and the actual pieces of sculpture included in the installation and their purpose.

From this crit show I realized just how prominent fantasy is in the work, this means I need to think about how much, and in what way I want to lean into the fantastical theme as there is many ways I could go with it. This makes me think of composition and how that impacts the relationship between art and audience. I've learned it would be beneficial for both if the work were brought away from the wall. In this install it is very stuck to the limits of a wall, whereas bringing it out into the space creates more atmosphere through making the audience feel more included in the art rather than a separation with it all against a wall, in turn this also affects the likelihood of participation from the audience. Through this observation it leads me to have to ask myself how I display these objects together?

when It came to the paintings it was discussed how there wasn't a clear relationship between sculpture and painting - in particular the relationship I was trying to convey was not understood or interpreted. Although I want them to be freely interpreted I still want it to be relatively clear that the paintings are music scores without them out rightly looking like actual written music. This is a fine line that I need to figure out where my work stands. I want to go back and rethink my paintings, working on how can adapt them to benefit the work and the audience better.

Overall I am really happy with the feedback and experimentation of this install and it has really inspired me for ideas for my final grad show.

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